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Quote1 Well, that worked out better than I could've hoped. I wanted to see if my powers were strong enough to fool even Logan's senses, to test them up close and personal... I'd say I've done that. My name is Raven Darkhölme, I just made love to the man who killed me. But I promise you, I'm not done screwing him just yet. Quote2
Mystique (Raven Darkhölme)

Appearing in "Back In Japan (Part 3)"

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Synopsis for "Back In Japan (Part 3)"

Chapter Thirteen: Still in Hell. Wolverine has seemly returned to Hell and greeted by Satan, and his dead children.

Chapter Fourteen: Into the Cave of the Mind Ninjas. Yukio is immune to the toxins and fights them, and then vanishes. Meanwhile, Sabretooth and Mystique take care Wolverine by shooting him in the face several times over. Sabretooth & Mystique then share a kiss. Hidding, Amiko was planing and attack by came up against a dragon. But the dragon turned out to be ninjas, so Amiko dealed with them.

Chapter Fifteen: Out comes the Berserker. Wolverine unleashes his rage killing his children who really where the Mind Ninjas all along. Wolverine awake, fights the ninjas killing them along with Amiko. Sabretooth & Azuma Gōda escape. Elsewhere, Amiko and Silver Samurai arrive at the Samurai’s treasure; are greeted by Azuma Goda & Sabretooth.

Chapter Sixteen: The Turning of the Worm. Mystique transforms from Yukio, back into herself, and has taken pictures of herself with Logan, but as Yukio. Elsewhere, Lord Deathstrike appears, Amiko slaps the new Silver Samurai, then runs off, while Sabretooth and Azuma Goda share the Samurai’s treasure; meanwhile Wolverine burns the Cave of the Mind Ninjas.

To Be Continued…

Solicit Synopsis

• Logan, Yukio and Amiko Invade The Secret Cave Headquarters Of The Hand To Save The Silver Samurai • The Big Finale Of The Hand/Yakuza War! • The Puppetmaster Is Finally Revealed

• This Ending Will Forever Change The Landscape For Wolverine In Japan

See Also

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