Marvel Database

Quote1 Thinking of joining the fun, boy? I wish you wouldn't. I didn't pull all this off just so you could go and get your soul torn to shreds. I did it so we could have a moment alone. Just to talk, man to man......father to son. Quote2
Thomas Logan

Appearing in "Wolverine Goes to Hell: Part 4"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Wolverine Goes to Hell: Part 4"

While in Hell, Logan believed that he was somehow born to believe in hell, and his signs - pain, suffering, misery, hate, rage, spilling of blood, retribution and damnation. The devil calls Logan a jackass and a little speck. Logan then tells the devil -the speck did prove one thing - even the devil can bleed. Logan and the devil continue to fight. This mystery man, tells Puck that all of hell is watching and the place is at a tipping point. Meanwhile, back at Utopia, Hellverine continues to fight the X-Men-Shadowcat, Colossus, Archangel, Iceman all get hurt by Hellverine. Before Hellverine kills Colossus, he is captured by Mystique & Ghost Rider. Back in Hell, the Demons fight back, and Logan uses his broken bone claws to chain the devil to a wall. The Soulcutter is then taken from the devil (who reveals himself as the Great Red Dragon). The Red Dragon is then attacked by his mutt Sabretooth. Suddenly, Puck starts a riot aginst the demons of Hell. Logan is then confronted by a mysterious man who reveals his plans to Logan, and also reveals to Logan, that he is his father.

Appearing in "Scorched Earth - Chapter 4: Last Call"

Featured Villains:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:

  • unnamed Princess Bar employees



  • Patch's stuff (Wreckage, ruins, debris, fragments)
    • Books
    • Photos
    • Japanese swords
    • World War II helmet
    • Other miscellaneous items


Synopsis for "Scorched Earth - Chapter 4: Last Call"

The Mongrels, take down the Princess Bar and its employers. Gunhawk, then enters a room where "Patch," has seemingly kept his doodads and photos and such over the years, then he burns it, while Miss Tyger Tiger, turns her back and watches the fire engulf Patch's life story.

Solicit Synopsis

  • Demonically-possessed Wolverine vs. Colossus. What more do you need?
  • How about Mystique and the Ghost Riders and Sabretooth and the devil wielding a really big sword, not to mention a shocking appearance by a figure from Logan's past that no one's expecting, least of all Logan himself.
  • All of this as Wolverine's epic descent into hell rolls on.


  • Lucifer a.k.a. Satan (According to the Bible) when translated it means "Morning Star." (Isaiah 14:12)
  • The Mongrels are Agents of the Red Right Hand.
  • "Patch," an alias Logan used while living on Madripoor.

See Also

Links and References

