Marvel Database

Quote1 He taught everyone around him how to enjoy life. And how to believe in something greater than themselves. Quote2
Wolverine (Logan)

Appearing in "The End of the Beginning"

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Synopsis for "The End of the Beginning"

Logan sits by the waterfront and tells himself that Kurt Wagner was one helluva a man, and he was a saint, a missionary, and a teacher, and taught everyone around him how to enjoy life and believe in something greater than themselves. Archangel then shows up and tells Logan that Kurt Wagner had one last request for Logan. Kurt Wagner wants Logan to deliver a 20,000 concert grand piano, imported from Germany to the Church of Holy Ascension. Logan then does to the task, and has flashbacks of when Kurt Wagner tells Logan about God. Logan after eight days or so, finally makes it to the Church of the Holy Ascension. The priest of Venezuela, then gives a gift to Logan and he tells Kurt Wagner that he won from beyond the grave.

Solicit Synopsis

During the shocking events of SECOND COMING, Logan lost one of his dearest friends: Nightcrawler. Now with the reading of Nightcrawler's will, Logan learns that his friend had one last request, something Logan can not refuse, no matter how much it might pain him. Don't miss this stirring series finale that helps pave the way for next month's WOLVERINE #1.


Last Issue of series.

See Also

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