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Quote1 The amazing and famed Wundagore Everbloom! Quote2
Scarlet Witch[src]

The Wundagore Everbloom was an extremely rare flower with inherit magical properties native to Transia.[1]


Grown exclusively in the shadow-passes of Mount Wundagore of Transia, the precipitously rare Wundagore Everbloom can be found.[1][3]

In modern Transia, local dealers often fool tourist into buying dyed roses petals instead of authentic everbloom petals. Agatha Harkness and Wanda Maximoff would frequent the Transia International Airport to see foolish tourists returning home who would pluck off a petal and lay it on their tongue hoping to see the future, and end up coughing due to the dye that easily fell off the fake everbloom.[1]

A clipping of everbloom blossoms was gifted to Wanda by Agatha when she married the Vision.[1][4] The couple kept the everbloom in the living room of their home.[1] The flowers were later given to Vision by Wanda when he moved to 616 Hickory Branch Lane in the Cherrydale neighborhood of Arlington, Virginia.[2]

Agatha Harkness used the everbloom for a vision by allowing her familiar Ebony to eat a petal then killed him and consumed his stomach.[1] The vision she received was of Vision killing his friends and razing the world to protect his family.[5]

Upset about the death of her son, Virginia allowed Sparky to eat the everbloom then killed him and consumed the contents of his stomach. After receiving a vision, she murdered Victor Mancha.[6]

Vision still has the Wundagore Everbloom at his home.[7][8]

The Bar With No Doors appears to have a Wundagore Everbloom plant.[9]

When Wanda Maximoff was murdered at the Hellfire Gala, the Krakoan Gateway in Manhattan's Central Park sprouted everbloom blossoms. Vision recognized the flowers as not native to Krakoa just prior to Professor X's arrival to inform the Avengers of Wanda's death.[3]


Wundagore Everbloom from Vision Vol 2 7 001

The Everbloom Blossom

  • Visions: According to legends, the Wundagore Everbloom can unlock the doors of time and grant visions of the future when one lays a petal of an everbloom on their tongue.[2][4] While it is true that it can allow individuals to see the future, it is required for the essence of the petal to be consumed twice, first after hunger and second after murder. That is to say, to kill an individual or creature who previously ate a petal of the Everbloom and then consume their stomach.[1][6]


  • Standard tourist guides to Transia recommend visitors to refrain from buying everbloom blossoms from local dealers because most of the flowers in the market are simply roses with dyed petals.[1]
  • The everbloom blossom was the Scarlet Witch's favorite flower.[3]

See Also

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