Marvel Database


Wylie Lemmick was a Ryker's Island inmate, who suffered from delusions of grandeur. During one of his plans for revenge on Daredevil, Mr. Fear gave him a copy of Melvin's costume and exoposed him to fear gas. Wylie attacked Murdock in prison, during a riot caused by Cranston, in a full delusion of being a Roman warrior. At first, he hesitated to fight a blindless man, but Fear by using his gas, convinced him eventually to do it. However, Murdock managed to trick his opponent and turn off the lights, which allowed him to change into Daredevil and defeated Gladiator.[1]

Lemmick, under the guise of group therapy, met up with Owl and Stilt-Man. They jointly decided to take over Kingpin's criminal empire and later united with Copperhead, they formed a group called Gang of Four. The Gladiator quickly began honor Owl as his Caesar with the passion and fanaticism of a true psychopath.[2] Along with the rest of gang, he confronted Daredevil and Spider-Man.[3]

See Also

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