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Quote1 But to this day, I'm in constant agony. CONSTANT. Oh, I don't let on, of course. 'Cause the guys... Like I said. They'll feel sorry if they know I'm hurtin'. So I make with the jokes. To cover it. The guys. the first real friends I've had. If they pitied me, it'd kill me. Quote2
Strong Guy

Appearing in "X-Aminations"

Reprint of the 1st story from
X-Factor #87

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Synopsis for "X-Aminations"

Reprint of the 1st story from
X-Factor #87
Doc Samson psychologically examines the X-Factor team following the events of X-Cutioner's Song and the assassination attempt on Professor X. Wolfsbane reveals the feelings she has for Havok. Quicksilver reveals his impatience with the world moving slower than him. Polaris reveals her hatred for being mind-controlled and her own insecurities about her appearance. Strong Guy reveals that his power has left him in constant pain since first manifesting. Multiple Man reveals a fear of being alone. Havok reveals the inferiority he feels towards his brother, and how he's afraid that he won't be prepared for some eventual attack made on his team. And Valerie Cooper reveals how little she knows about her team by summing up every team member's personality as being the exact opposite of what they really are.

Solicit Synopsis

Reprinting X-Factor (1986) #87. Get inside the heads of one of the most uncanny mutant teams of all in an acclaimed classic from the stellar creative team of Peter David and Joe Quesada! Havok, Polaris, Quicksilver, Wolfsbane, Multiple Man and Strong Guy — plus X-Factor’s government liaison, Val Cooper — are all under “X-amination” by super hero psychiatrist Doc Samson! And the revelations are hilarious, heartbreaking and character-defining! Learn how frustrating it is for the super-fast Pietro Maximoff to live in a normal-paced world! Discover Guido Carosella’s hidden pain! Explore Alex Summers’ insecurities! And join Rahne Sinclair in confronting her deepest feelings! Plus: More secrets from the psychiatric couch! It’s one of the all-time great Marvel comic books, boldly re-presented in its original form, ads and all!

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