Marvel Database

Quote1 Well as much as he'd like to think so, Forge doesn't know everything. Quote2

Appearing in "The Best Offense"

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Synopsis for "The Best Offense"

Wild Child copes with his emotions by immersing himself in energetic activities at X-Factor's Falls Edge headquarters. Shard, the mysterious holographic teammate, surprises Wild Child in the shower, leading to some humorous interactions. Later, the two go on a night out to a rave.

Meanwhile, Polaris, Forge, and Mystique are busy working on a defense perimeter to protect against an impending threat from the Adversary. Havok is still missing from the team, and there's growing concern among the team.

Roma, the Guardian of the Multiverse, warns Forge about the imminent danger posed by the Adversary. She explains that she has erected a mystical shield around Falls Edge to keep the Adversary at bay, but the strain is taking a toll on her. Roma thinks that Forge's technologies will not work on the Adversary - instead he should go back to his Shaman roots to be successful.

At the rave, Shard experiences glitches in her holographic form, leading to uncertainty about her abilities. Wild Child helps her against some members of the Friends of Humanity, a group targeting mutants, in defense of Shard. The confrontation ends with Polaris showing up. Lorna herself is frustrated with Havok's absence, but then decides to move on with her life.

See Also

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