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Rahne Sinclair (Earth-616) from X-Factor Vol 1 219 001
Quote1 Rictor!!! Ye great flaming id'jit! Quote2
Julio Richter (Earth-616) from X-Factor Vol 1 209 001
Quote1 Oh. Uh... Hi, Rahne... Quote2
Rahne Sinclair (Earth-616) from X-Factor Vol 1 219 001
Quote1 Don't ye be 'Hi, Rahne-ing' me! Suicide?! Do ye know what'll happen if ye kill yuirself? Do ye? It's a mortal sin! It's a death blow to yuir soul! Ye'll go straight to hell! Hell, Rictor! Eternal punishment, burning in th'lake of fire for ever and ever! Or ye'll be hung upside down and flailed by demons with thorny whips, ripping the skin from yuir body and then it grows back and they rip it off again, and maggots will eat yuir entrails and... Quote2
Julio Richter (Earth-616) from X-Factor Vol 1 209 001
Quote1 Y'know... in Japan, suicide is historically regarded as an honorable means of... Quote2
Rahne Sinclair (Earth-616) from X-Factor Vol 1 219 001
Quote1 Does this look like Japan?! Does it?! Ye see Shinto shrines anywhere?! A Toshiro Mifune film festival down the street? Do ye? Quote2
Julio Richter (Earth-616) from X-Factor Vol 1 209 001
Quote1 Uh... no? Quote2
Rahne Sinclair (Earth-616) from X-Factor Vol 1 219 001
Quote1 Correct! And ye know why? 'cause you're not in bleeding Japan, that's why! Quote2

Appearing in "X-Factor"

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Synopsis for "X-Factor"

The story opens with Rictor standing at the ledge of a building preparing to jump. Madrox creates a few dupes and determines which would be the best candidate for saving him. Rictor reveals that he is up on the ledge because he lost his powers in M-Day and doesn't want to live without them. Madrox manages to talk Rictor into staying alive with some help from Rahne and coming to work for him at his new detective agency. Just as Rictor is about to get off the ledge however, Madrox pushes him off the ledge.

Meanwhile Siryn uses her abilities to charm a young woman out of information on a crime boss. Their conversation is interrupted however when the young woman is brutally assassinated. Siryn pursues the assassin but before she is able to catch her, the assassin kills herself. Back at X-Factor Investigations headquarters, a mysterious girl wanders in to the office and tells Siryn that the assassin was an operative for a detective agency called "Singularity Investigations".

Solicit Synopsis

In the fallout from HOUSE OF M and following last year’s surprise hit film-noir series--MADROX, a new mutant team is forged! X-FACTOR is an investigative mutant agency including Madrox—the Multiple Man, Guido—the Strong Guy, Wolfsbane—the shape-shifter, Siryn—the chorus girl, Rictor—the living earthquake, and GENERATION X’s Monet—the pompous witch. Drawn together in the heart of District X, this rag-tag band of heroes has a lot of answers to find, and fast!

BONUS: A key player from HOUSE OF M will play a major roll in X-FACTOR! (No, it’s not Wolverine—sigh)



  • This is the first time Rictor spoke about his Geo Connectivity power and the first time we see Siryn's Vocal Trance powers.

See Also

Links and References

