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Quote1 What you're @#$%ing just don't know it yet. Quote2

Appearing in "Not Forgottenp: Part One"

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  • Sapien League's Vehicles (First appearance)

Synopsis for "Not Forgottenp: Part One"

X-23 arrives just in time to stop the Leper Queen before she could kill Boom Boom out of spite for X-Force not killing her. She shoots three holes through the Leper Queen, who thanks her for releasing her from Bastion's control. X-23 then collapses in exhaustion. H.A.M.M.E.R. then storm the building, giving medical care to Boom Boom, while they take X-23 in for questioning.

Meanwhile, at Angel's Aerie in Colorado, Wolfsbane is sleeping with Hrimhari. Then suddenly, the mansion's roof is ripped off by three Frost Giants, determined to kill Hrimhari.

In New York, Steven Lang and Bolivar Trask, speaking for Bastion, are testifying before the United Nations to form a Mutant Response Division, a taskforce to police mutants globally, equipped with Sentinel technology, citing that mutants are literally walking time bombs. Outside, the Sapien League is preparing to set Surge and Hellion up to destroy the building. Then suddenly, Wolverine and Archangel appear and disembowel the Sapien Leaguers. As Surge's powers grow out of control, Elixir quickly purges Hellion of the Legacy Virus. He then quickly rushes to Surge.

Meanwhile, 2.6 miles north of the U.N., Domino appears, frantic for her friends, before seeing a big electric storm.

Solicit Synopsis

"NOT FORGOTTEN" Part 1 (of 4) MESSIAH WAR AFTERMATH! When X-Force was pulled into the future, what was forgotten in the present? The Leper Queen's murderous acts? The Sapien League's attack on the United Nations using two of the X-Men's students? Wolfsbane's reunion with the Asgardian Wolf Prince? H.A.M.M.E.R.'s hunt for X-23? After three months, the wait is over. Find out who lives and dies as the MESSIAH WAR ONE-SHOT art team of Mike Choi and Sonia Oback returns to X-FORCE!

See Also

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