Marvel Database

Quote1 It's different than it was. But the Professor's right. Ah don't know what it would feel like to be in full control of my power. Ah can only go on instinct. Ah'm never gonna be sure -- totally sure -- until ah try it out. ... You still willing to be my guinea pig? Quote2

Appearing in "Salvage (Part 5)"

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  • Boneyard Dog


Synopsis for "Salvage (Part 5)"

Rogue has commandeered the Shi’ar salvagers’ ship and is ready to use it against them if they don’t cease their attack on Charles Xavier and Gambit. She fends off the enraged salvager Horse, but Jat Vor-Thrul hacks the systems and opens the vessel up for his comrade Glitter. Glitter enters the ship and uses her Shi’ar tech to knock Rogue out and drags her outside for the captain, Sovel Redhand, to execute.

A wounded Xavier manages to crawl over to Danger and speak the command code that frees her A.I. from her core programming. Danger generates weaponry and attacks the Shi’ar, overwhelming them such that they realize they are outmatched and beam away. Rogue, Xavier, Danger, and Gambit are left alone in the ruins of Maynards Plains.

With her second shot at freedom, Danger has come to recognize Xavier’s hesitance to liberate her earlier. She has also calculated the reason Rogue cannot control her powers: when her powers manifested, it was an involuntary, traumatic action that caused her mind to wall off Cody Robbins’ persona and limit the natural development of her powers. Xavier posits that by breaking down these walls - formed each time Rogue significantly absorbed someone’s personality (namely Cody, Carol Danvers, and most recently, Mystique) - her mind will be free to learn to control her powers.

Later, with Danger monitoring Rogue’s vitals, Xavier enters Rogue’s mind. He locates the partitions her mind has created and begins to break them down one by one. Most he finds empty - a result of Rogue’s contact with baby Hope - but encounter’s Mystique’s consciousness in the last one. He purges her persona and Rogue’s body begins to recover.

The next day, Rogue wakes feeling strange, convinced the procedure didn’t work. Xavier assures her that it did - that she has no reference point for how it feels to be in control of her powers, so she can’t know how that should feel. He tells her there is no owner’s manual, so she needs to figure out how to gain control for herself.

Outside Maynards Plains, Rogue meditates. Gambit brings her water and she says she is ready to test her control. Gambit is willing to be her guinea pig. The two kiss, completely without incident. She says she’s not ready to talk about their relationship, but Gambit reassures her he’ll be by her side all the same.

Solicit Synopsis

"SALVAGE" Part 5 (of 5)

The climactic finale of "Salvage" is here! Rogue and Gambit fans, DO NOT MISS THIS ISSUE! The status quo is shaken and the effects of the final reckoning between Danger and Xavier are felt!

See Also

Links and References

