Appearing in "The Psi-Ber Scenario!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Gideon
- Psi-Ber Sentinel (Destroyed)
- Dr. Glover
- Karma (Xuân Cao Mạnh)
- Juggernaut (Cain Marko)
- Deadpool (Wade)
- Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
Other Characters:
- Hulk (Bruce Banner) (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Earth
- North America
- United States of America
- New York State
- Adirondack Mountains
- Westchester County (Only in flashback)
- North Salem (Only in flashback)
- Salem Center (Only in flashback)
- Graymalkin Lane (Only in flashback)
- Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters (Only in flashback)
- Danger Room (Only in flashback)
- Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters (Only in flashback)
- Graymalkin Lane (Only in flashback)
- Salem Center (Only in flashback)
- North Salem (Only in flashback)
- Fort Knox (Mentioned)
- New York State
- United States of America
- North America
- X-Uniforms
- Cyclops' Visor
- Wolverine's Suit
- Gambit's Staff
- Ruby-Quartz Sunglasses (Only in flashback)
- Cerebro (Only in flashback)
- Deadpool's Suit and Katanas
- Crimson Cosmos Armor
Synopsis for "The Psi-Ber Scenario!"
- Synopsis not yet written
- Toys "R" Us giveaway.