Marvel Database


After the original X-Force seemed to sacrifice themselves, producer Spike Freeman thought up an idea to have a public mutant team with government backing, under the management of Coach.

Most of the original members were killed, especially in a disastrous mission trying to save the 'boy band' pop group Boyz R' Us from kidnappers. This was secretly planned by Coach and Zeitgeist, who felt the body count and changing rosters would add interest. Zeitgeist was regretful though, and ended up being one of the members killed, and only U-Go Girl and the recent recruit Anarchist survived.[1]

Based on those two and on Mister Sensitive, a new roster was set up. The team also quickly fight with the original X-Force for the name of the team.[2]

Under the Orphan (Mister Sensitive)'s lead, the team started act also in a less interested way, saving a mutant child, Paco Perez, from military interest and disobeying to the Coach.[3]

Coach tried to rape U-Go Girl and kill the Orphan on two occasions, helped by Smoke and Succubus, but failed and the three were killed[4]

Freeman himself was killed after trying to have Lacuna murdered.

The original X-Force led by Domino later confronted them and forced them to drop the X-Force name. On their next mission, a dying U-Go-Girl suggested X-Statix as their new name.

After saving Doop from government hands, the remaining members decided to retire. However, on their last mission, a group of unknown gunmen ambushed them, apparently killing all. [5]

Only Doop had resurfaced since, joining the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning on Logan's proposition.


For being a mercantile team with no interest in the social fights for their kind but only for fame and money, this group was blamed by many mutants, including the original X-Force[2], Wolverine[6] or the Brotherhood. Also, they made induced a confusion in the public's mind, giving a false image of the mutants conditions.[7]

See Also

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