Marvel Database

Quote1 Yeah, well, I guess that makes us the Y-Men, then... Quote2


Y-Men (Earth-616) from Young X-Men Vol 1 8

The Y-Men were a gang of criminals operating out of the closed La Jolla Paintball Arena in California. When mutant tattoo artist Leon Nunez came into debt to them for $18,000, he offered to give them superpowers to pay it off.[1] Many of the Y-Men's abilities are based on superheroes.

Despite posing a large challenge, they were defeated by the Young X-Men and depowered by Ink's new Phoenix force-like power.[1]

Y-Men (Earth-616) from Young X-Men Vol 1 8 0001

Some of the Y-Men at the La Jolla Paintball Arena

Following the Mutant Massacre at the Hellfire Gala,[2] Orchis's Narrative Petal continued to spread anti-mutant propaganda. This included targeting users of Xperience and the Y-Men to lure out Iceman. When Mister Clean began hunting a group of Y-Men in Los Angeles, Aaron Fischer helped to protect them and was joined by Iceman who fought Mister Clean to a standstill.[3]


  • Carlos Rodriguez - Bomb tattoo on left hand allowed for explosive punches and shield tattoo on his right forearm created a protective shield.[4]
  • "Cheetah" - Cheetah-style spots over his torso granted him superhuman speed and razor sharp claws.[1]
  • Debrider - Creating soap bubbles.[3]
  • "Dragon-Breath" - Dragon tattoos on his chest and arms allowed him to breath fire.[5]
  • "Hand-Gun" - Tattoo of a 9mm on his right hand let him shoot actual bullets from his pointer and index fingers.[5]
  • Julio Rodriguez- Discharge marks around his left eye allowed him to blast a golden optic beam. He was fairly overweight.[1]
  • Jump Scare - Enlarging her eyes and head.[3]
  • "Laser-Fist" - Triangles on his forearms and wrists branched into lines to each finger which let him blast golden energy beam from his palms. He wore a large Mohawk.[1]
  • Lightshow - Bioluminescent tattoos.[3]
  • Lojack - Locating items (like his car).[3]
  • Miss Maillard - Cast Iron forearms.[3]
  • "Spider-Man" - Webbing patterns on his elbows granted him Spider-Man-esque agility.[1]

See Also

Links and References

