Marvel Database

Quote1 Everyone's got a role for me... Team leader. Cancer survivor. Cover story. Mutant. And I am all those things and then some. But what about how I define myself? What I want my life to be about? And allowing myself the chance to succeed or fail at it. Quote2

Appearing in "A Change of Mind"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Lani

Other Characters:

  • Carl


Synopsis for "A Change of Mind"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

Emma Frost guest stars! Just as the Young Allies have found themselves thrust together, the Uncanny X-Men's devious Emma Frost threatens to pull them apart! Are her plans for former pupil Firestar sincere...or sincerely evil? Plus: Toro and Nomad get (re-)acquainted!


  • Last published issue. Though a seventh issue was solicited, it was canceled prior to release. A farewell letter was included at the end of the issue from writer Sean McKeever.
  • Despite being a team book, no team ever forms during the run of this series, with many of the characters not even meeting until halfway through, and the remaining issues involving various characters consistently turning down the team concept. Series author Sean McKeever referred to Young Allies not as a 'team book', but an 'ensemble book.'

See Also

Links and References

